Wednesday, May 28, 2014


Thought it'd be okay for me to post a picture of this doll head that's supposedly scary but ended up looking cute and curly hair.

Today is the last studying day of school for this term.

I'm fucking tired and I really want to go home and sleep my zzz's away. BUT no, there's a Civics lesson on abortion later and afterwards there could be tuition. Unless I cancel it, which I will because I have yet to do the work she assigned me and I don't want to waste tuition funds like that. And tomorrow, there's an event called Sports Day where I just wear my house tee and stand there and cheer for my house which I don't really look forward to at this point in time. Like I want to skip this event but hey my attendance is gonna be so screwed and my dad will think that I'm such a pig for being so lazy to go to school for even a short few hours even while not studying then my dad will holler at me for being such a irresponsible liar and I'll feel guilty and conflicted and thoughts of I want to hurt myself comes out stronger and I'm not even gonna recover in that state.

fuck this I really hate people who chew with shutting their mouths making the sort of chewing sound that sounds so fucking disgusting all thanks to misophonia that stupid load that had to jump on the bandwagon of mine. And I hate a lot of things which makes me a failure in life because I can't even socialize well anymore. 

Tbh the previous post was something that I have no idea what I was typing to be bluntly honest, so pardon me if I don't sound like anyone with common sense. In fact at this hungry and tired state coupled with a headache I doubt anything I say makes sense at all anyway.

okay fuck this 

I am really sorry whenever I rant I tend to go on and on and on and on without stopping and I am pretty sure I sound like some stuck up bitch that can't accept that life cannot go the way I want it to be and that's an insult. the bimbos I guess. But I don't feel bimbo. Neither do real bimbos so who am I to say whether I'm a bimbo? 

Really hungry now. I just hope I don't get gastric pain again that fucktard of a stomach cramp hurts like a motherfucking bitch. And now my head hurts like a bitch.

Today is just not my day. 

Stay strong lovelies and beat the hell out of those shitty things they call mental illnesses/disorders because they ain't got any right to disrupt lives like that so kick 'em in the ass and send them away to non-existent things like Pluto and your fake thoughts on yourself.

Summary? I ranted and you readers gotta stay strong and talk to me if you aren't okay because I'll be here for you. My kik is tlrouvset or in other words the name of my blog yay.

♡ love you all ttyl next time ♡

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